Larry Grathwohl’s book about infiltrating the Weather Underground is now available on Amazon in Kindle format, and pre-orders for hard copies can be made at the book’s website. The hard copies should be available for sale within the next few days. Larry is touring Florida in May, then hopefully in Atlanta, and he is available for interviews.
We are especially interested in hearing from police officers who were attacked by the Weathermen during the Chicago Days of Rage or who were targeted by their fire bombings and other attacks on police. These stories are being suppressed by the academic establishment and especially PBS, which is trying to make the Weathermen out to be self-sacrificing cultural heroes fighting only for “peace.” We need to tell the truth about them, their ties to foreign terrorist groups, their violence, and their real plans to imprison and “re-educate” ordinary Americans using Maoist brainwashing they used on their own cult followers. It is a disgrace that schoolchildren are being taught to look up to these murderous lunatics.
Here are links to some of my previous blogging on the Weather Underground, Susan Sarandon (who plays the Kathy Boudin figure — as heroine — in Robert Redford’s vile and dull paean to the Weathermen, The Company You Keep) and other sickening cop-killing radicals:
(Weathermen) Marilyn Buck, Cop Killer: Five Less Than Six Degrees of Separation From Barack Obama
(Sarandon) Aesthetic Tragedy, New York Times Style: Mime Panic Buttons Defunded in California
(Sarandon) Rwanda and Columbine: The Politics of Forced Reconciliation
(Sarandon) The “Benjy Brigade”, Part 1: Boston’s Finest Mount an Attack on an Elderly Victim of Rape
(Weathermen) Something Else Barack Obama and Bernadine Dohrn Share, Besides Secrets with Terrorist Bill Ayers . . .
. . . they find vicious murders of women pretty funny.
Bernadine Dohrn in December 1969, joking about the Manson family murder of Sharon Tate:
Dig it! First they killed those pigs and then they put a fork in pig Tate’s belly. Wild! Offing those rich pigs with their own forks and knives, and then eating a meal in the same room, far out! The Weathermen dig Charles Manson!
Barack Obama in October 2012, joking about O.J. Simpson’s attempt to flee justice after murdering his wife Nicole:
“You didn’t know this, but for all you moms and kids out there, you should have confidence that finally somebody is cracking down on Big Bird,” Obama said, alluding to the famous O.J. Simpson chase scene. “Elmo has been seen in a white Suburban. He’s driving for the border.”
Sharon Tate’s blood on her living room wall
Nicole Simpson’s blood on her backyard walkway
Who jokes about things like this?
Sharon Tate was nearly nine months pregnant at the time she was killed. She had been stripped and tortured before death, a rope strung around her neck and hung from a beam. She begged the killers to temporarily spare her life, kidnap her, and let her deliver her baby before they killed her. They laughed and killed her anyway. She was buried with the body of her deceased son cradled in her arms.
After Tex Watson stabbed Tate to death, Susan Atkins stuck her finger in Tate’s wounds and wrote the word “pig” on a wall with her blood, an act that delighted Bernadine Dohrn when she heard about it. Dohrn and other Weathermen adopted a four-fingered “fork” salute to signify the act of stabbing Tate in her pregnant stomach.
Still not funny: Dohrn, now a “Children’s Rights Law Professor,” smiling with her FBI Most Wanted poster
Things are getting worse. As on of the mass-people I think civilian are a bit of anxious about recent unveiled secrets of the country.Felling worried……:(